Sedmica posvećena arbitraži!
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
XIX Takmičenje u besjedništvu na Pravnom fakultetu u Banjaluci
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Stevan Dimitrijević ko-autor poglavlja o medijaciji između investitora i države u prestižnoj publikaciji.
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Panel Diskusija o Arbitraži i Parnici na Pravnom Fakultetu u Banjaluci.
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
IFLR1000 objavio najnovije rangiranje za 2024 godinu!
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Poslovni susreti – Slovenačko udruženje privrednika u BiH
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Druga arbitražna konferencija Jugoistočne Evrope u Beču
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Davorin Marinković govorio je o energetskoj tranziciji i energetskoj pravdi.
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Stevan Dimitrijević na listi arbitara CDRC
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....
Dimitrijević i Partneri su dobili nagradu CEELM 2023 Deal of the Year!
If you are facing a criminal charge, no matter how minor, you should talk to a defense attorney to fully understand your case. A consultation with an experienced attorney will help you to understand the charges placed against you, the defenses available, what if any plea bargains may be offered to you, and what you should do if you are convicted. We offer free consultations – just contact us....