• On 28 March 2020 National Assembly od Republic of Srpska declared state of emergency in Republic of Srpska. This decision has not yet entered into force.

• Curfew: in RS from 8pm to 5am; in FBH from 6pm to 5am; in Brčko District from 9pm to 5am.

The ban on the movement of persons who are 65 years old or elder in the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. RS Emergency Stab has adopted decision which will enable persons over 65 years old to move on the streets in the next 14 days (up to 13 April 2020), twice a week, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 7 to 10 am.

RS Emergency Stab has decided that the age limit for citizens living in rural areas is 75 years.

• Entry into BiH: All persons upon entering BH are admitted to the tent quarantines from where they are further sent to isolation for a period of 14 days. When determining isolation, a person is served with a decision on determining the isolation, and failure to comply with the isolation entails misdemeanour and criminal liability. The BH Presidency calls BiH Council of Ministers for the closure of border crossings that do not have tent quarantine, but this has not yet been decided. Citizens who are positive on Covid-19 tests will be accommodated in the Nikola Tesla student dormitory in Pavilions 1 and 2, in Banjaluka. Halls and other facilities are being installed throughout Republic of Srpska, which will serve as a 14-day isolation for persons entering BH who turn out to be negative for the Covid-19 test, as well as for those who violate home isolation measures (but are not infected).

• BiH entry from specific countries: Ban on entry to Bosnia and Herzegovina for foreign citizens coming from the areas with intensive transmission of Coronavirus, especially from China (Wuhan), South Korea, Japan, Italy, Iran, France, Romania, Germany, Austria, Spain, Switzerland and Belgium.

• Borders: Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro have closed their borders to BiH, and entry to these countries is only allowed to their nationals, foreigners who have a registered residence and truck drivers. Serbia has not closed only the following border crossings to BiH, which remain open only to goods traffic: Karakaj, Vardište and Rača. Montenegro has not closed only the following border crossing to BiH, which remains open only to goods traffic: Klobuk Ilino Brdo. Croatia only allows entrance through its borders for the transit traffic of freight vehicles. Croatia has not closed only the following border crossings to BiH, which remain open only to goods traffic: Nova Sela, Stara Gradiška, Slavonski Šamac, Velika Kladuša, Bijača, Kamensko, Izačići, Slavonski Brod i Gradina

• Prohibition of all catering establishments, theatres, wedding places, private dental clinics, gambler places, working sports organizations and sports schools, training and competitions for sports categories of all categories, etc. as well as public gatherings.

• Workshop selling groceries and consumer goods: Opened from 7am to 6pm.

In Republic of Srpska, shops that sell technical goods, construction materials, water and electrical installations are allowed to operate.

Markets in the Republic of Srpska are currently banned to work, but the RS Government has announced that work of markets in the RS will be enabled in the coming period, with applicability of all prescribed measures. In the Federation of BiH there is a ban on the operation of markets save from open market areas, ensuring the flow of customers with a distance of 1.5 meters, while respecting all other measures.

• Pharmacies / Farm pharmacies: Opened until 6pm.

• Traffic: The road traffic has been running smoothly, changing in public traffic mode. Railways of FBH and RS have temporarily suspended inter-entity traffic of fast passenger trains operating between Sarajevo – Bihac – Sarajevo and Sarajevo – Banja Luka – Sarajevo, and Maglaj-Zenica-Maglaj. The BiH air borders are closed. As of yesterday, public transport is suspended in Banja Luka, save from special reduced lines for UKC and Ortopedija.

• Work of state / republic / federal bodies: Bodies and authorities are working with part-time mode, with reduced volume of work and reduced number of employees arriving to work, while work with the clients is generally limited to 2 pm.

Shut down of kindergartens, schools, colleges and other educational institutions: Classes are organized through television channels and online (via the Google Classroom platform or otherwise).

• Workplace: The competent authorities in BiH have recommended employees and employers across BiH to organize their work from home, if possible, considering the nature of the work.

• Approximately 40,000 people are isolated and monitored in BiH.


RS Banking Agency – RS Banking Agency has issued a notification regarding adopted bylaws regarding COVID-19 pandemic. Please find more information at the following link: A notification.

Department of Health and Other Services of the Brčko District – overview of the situation in the Brčko District on 30 March 2020 by 3pm. More information at the following link: Overview.

FBIH Insurance Agency – FBIH Insurance Agency has issued recommendation to insurance and reinsurance companies. Please find more information at the following link: Recommendation

Government of the Central Bosnia Canton – The order on the ban of citizens’ movement was amended. Please find the amendment at the following link: The amendment

Government of the Canton Sarajevo – The Government of the Canton Sarajevo adopted a decision on banning both public and private gatherings with more than 20 people in CS. Please find more information at the following link: A decision.

Government of the Unsko-sanski Canton – Notification of the Cantonal Stab and Stab of Cantonal Ministry of Health with the overview of situation on 30 March 2020. Please find more information at the following link: Notification

Sime Šolaje 1, 78000 Banjaluka
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia & Herzegovina

T | F +387 51 962 600

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